This book, titled "Democratic Beginnings: Founding the Western States," is a captivating nonfiction narrative that delves into the history and political science of the United States. It was published in 2015 by University Press of Kansas and authored by Amy Bridges. The book is available in hardcover format and has 216 pages, with a length of 9 inches and a width of 6 inches. The book is intended for young adults, ages 9-12, and adults, with a weight of 12.3 ounces. It features a dust jacket and is a first edition. The book is written in English and covers topics such as the United States' revolutionary period (1775-1800), public affairs and administration, the United States in the 19th century, constitutions, American government, and political ideologies. This book is perfect for those interested in history and political science, and it is a must-have for any book lover's collection.