[ebay 200] 29th CONGRESS, 1st Session. Rep. No. 35. Ho . OF REPS. FLORIDA CONTESTED ELECTION. JANUARY 7, 1846. Read, and laid upon the table. Mr. HAMLIN, from the Committee of Elections, made the following REPORT: The Committee of Elections, to which was referred the memorial of w. H. Brockenbrough, representing that he was elected a member of the House of Representatives in the 29th Congress from the State of Flori- da by a majority of the legally qualified voters of that State; and that he was entitled to the return and commission at the time that Edward C. Cabell received the same; have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to submit the following report: The memorial of Mr. Brockenbrough claims that he was entitled to the commission of the governor at the time it was given to Mr. Cabell, upon the ground that of the votes then legally returned a majority was for him; and further, that of all the votes legally given at the election, a majority was also in his favor. Said memorial is as follows, addressed to the House of Representatives: The memorial and petition of William H. Brockenbrough, Represent- ative elect from the State of Florida in the 29th Congress- RESPECTFULLY SHEWS: That he claims the right to a seat in the House of Representatives, and to represent the people of Florida in the 29th Congress, and exhibits here- with the certificate of the secretary of state of Florida, under the great seal of the State, as conclusive evidence that at the time required by law for counting the votes returned to the office of the secretary of state, the ma- jority of votes, by the lawful returns, was in favor of your memorialist. Your memorialist further protests against and contests the right of Ed- ward C. Cabell to a seat in the House of Representatives, or to represent the people of Florida in the 29th Congress of the United States- First. Because he denies and contests the election of the said Edward C. Cabell, upon the following grounds, to wit: Because, at the election held in the State of Florida according to law, on the 6th day of October, A. D. 1845, for representative of the people of Florida in the 29th Congress, the greatest number of votes of the legally qualified voters of the State of Florida was cast in favor of your memorial- ist, and not in favor of the said Edward C. Cabell, Secondly. This memorialist protests against and contests the right of Ritchie & Heiss, print,